مهندس زراعي

קורות חיים פורסמה על ידי riyad.nassar בתחום חקלאות.
משכורת רצויה:₪3,000.00
סוג מעמד רצוי:משרה חלקית
מיקום:Jerusalem Jerusalem District, إسرائيل



انا رياض نصار من منطقة رام الله، مهندس زراعي ولدي خبرة 8 سنوات واطمح في تنمية مهاراتي وقدراتي والحصول على وظيفة مناسبة في مكان مناسب، واستطيع اصدار تصريح لللعمل في منطقة القدس او اي منطقة في الداخل


– July 2007 Bachelor of Agriculture Engineering, Plant Production and Protection at An-Najah National University, Nablus – Palestine.
– August 2002 Tawjihi, at Betonia School for Boys, Ramallah- Palestine.


 Coordinator Project in Al-Ram Municipality, (December 2013 to until now).
 Deputy Project Manager at Sharek Youth Forum, (Youth Shadow Local Councils YSLC), Ramallah, (January 2013 to November 2013).
 Projects Coordinator in Juhoud for Community and Rural Development, Ramallah/ BirZeit, (May 2008 to December 2012).
 Follow up Coordinator in Child Protection Help Line 121, Sawa- Together Today and Tomorrow, Ramallah, (Part Time), (June 2010 to November 2010).
 Projects Engineer in Arab Center for Agricultural Development (ACAD), Ramallah, (November, 2007 to April, 2008).
 Summer camps activation and trainer, mainly, those specialized in environment In Wild Life, Young Women Christian Association (YWCA), Al –Jania Sport club, “petite pas” center. (July 2007 to October 2007).


  •  Report writing and using various communication skills.
  •  I have the ability to persuasion in public relation.
  •  Ability to team work and work under pressure.
  •  Monitoring and evaluation of projects.
  •  Very fast adaptation of change.
  •  Research and presentation.
  •  Skills of Support and advocacy.


    مهندس زراعي انتاج نباتي ووقاية نبات

חברות וקבוצות

    نقابة المهندسين الزراعيين الاردنيين

שפות מדוברות

    عربي اللغة الأم، انجليزي