Resumes of people specialising in Experience in Development.
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Salem Yousef Salem Jaraiseh, MD, MPH
Date of birth: 09 June, 1973
Place of Birth / Residency: Jerusalem / Kufur Aqab.
Mobile: 00972 5 98 949 936 (0598949936)
Address: P.O.Box 51947 Jerusalem, Israel
Educational Record:1. August 2002 – Masters in Public Health (MPH) – Birzeit University, Palestine.
2. June 1998 – Medical Doctor (MD) – Bashkir State Medical University, Russia.
3. June 1992 – Premedical school – Zaporojjye Medical University, Ukraine.
4. June 1991 – Lutheran School of Hope, Ramallah. Tawjihi (85%), science stream.Training Record:
1. December 2005 – training course in “An Introduction to Health Program / Project Evaluation”, Birzeit University.
2. April 2005 – training course in financial management, Union of Medical Relief Committees.
3. December 2003 – training workshop “Developing quality communication strategies and resources”, healthlink.
4. October 2003 – 11 training hours in report writing, Health Work Committees (HWC).
5. September 2003 – training course in Strategic Planning, HWC.
6. August 1998 till September 1999, Internship in Al-Makassed Hospital.Working Record:
• July 2013 – December 2014. Consultant – Health Sector Efficiency Analyst / Palestinian Governance Facility (PGF) – DFID funded Project. The main objectives of this consultancy are to support the Palestinian MOH in building the programs’ tree for the three programs running under the MOH, to support in integrating the program-based budgeting approach, to support in developing indicators for the 2014-2016 health strategy, and to support the MOH in setting specific measures and indicators for targeted efficiency areas such as: referrals, non-communicable diseases, infection prevention control, medications management and use, lab and diagnostic services, transportation, and preventive maintenance.
• October 2010 – March 2013. Quality Assurance Manager / Flagship- USAID Health Project. The main objective was to assure the correct and timely implementation of planned activities to support the Palestinian MOH and selected Palestinian NGOs, in the process of quality and performance improvement, side by side with providing technical support in fields related to health, development, strategic planning, management, community mobilization, research, and monitoring and evaluation.
• May 2009 – September 2010. Health Program Officer / Flagship- USAID Health Project, where I have been involved in performing multiple tasks targeting various fields and programs related to, and supporting quality. Being a member of the Health information system team my main objective was to insure that the coding system used for health and medical data collection is relevant to the Palestinian MoH needs and to the most updated international standards. Taking the lead on strengthening service delivery and clinical guidelines I had the opportunity to lead the efforts in developing the Standards of Care for primary health care clinics and related to them checklists, job aids, and training curriculum. Hand in hand with the integrated multi-sectoral approach team we were able to start the on-the-job coaching approach that lies in the core of performance improvement, capacity building, and quality assurance. On the other hand I was very fortunate to work on designing health messages (Behavior Change Communication) through the provision of qualitative and updated technical support.
• April 2007 – April 2009. Manager / Health Work Committees (HWC), “Health Management Information System (HMIS)”, “Well Baby Program”, and “Diabetes Management Program” / HWC. During this period being the manager of the HMIS, the main objective was to sustain the established and unified computerized health information system in the HWC centers, used for quality assurance, performance improvement, and strategic planning and policy making. In addition, as the manager of the Well Baby Program, the main goal was to unify the protocols used to measure the child’s growth and development, to build quality indicators for the services provided by the program, and to establish a home visitation program attached to the well baby program. As for the diabetes management program, on the top of my plans was to establish and start this new program in the HWC health centers.
• May 2004 – April 2007. The Manager of Health Centers, Health Programs / Health Work Committees (HWC): (Well Baby Program, Health Awareness Program, the mobile clinic in Ramallah area, and the health information system). During this period I was leading a team of health professionals working on providing a number of services and running several health and development programs. The main objectives were to assure the continuity of provided health services according to quality standards, to assure the constant performance improvement and capacity building of the team, to establish and sustain a system of quality indicators, and to unify the monitoring and evaluation system, checklists, and forms for data collection.
• July 2002 – May 2004. Director of Kalandia Health Center and the Manager of the Health Information System (HIS) / HWC. As the director of Kalandia Health Center the main objective was to lead a team of 7 health professionals to provide several health services and various health awareness programs. As the manager of the HIS the main objective was to design and establish a health information system. One of my main responsibilities here was to start a new computerized system for data collection, processing and analysis. The main goal of this system was to be used for quality assurance, strategic planning, and standardization of provided services throughout 16 health centers run by the HWC.
• May 2000 – July 2002. Coordinator of the School Health Program run by the HWC in Jerusalem, where I had the opportunity to lead a team of 16 health professionals addressing issues related to health in schools in its holistic meaning and issues related to schools’ environment. During this period we succeeded to design and establish one of the best school health programs addressing quality as the cornerstone to assure the best provision of health services through the in-school clinics.
Skills & other information:
1. Good managerial skills.
2. Good training skills.
3. Excellent communication skills, including report writing.
4. Excellent computer skills (MS Office, SPSS, web & internet, Photoshop, Corel Draw).
5. Very good monitoring & evaluation skills.
6. Valid driving license.Languages:
1. Arabic – mother language.
2. Good spoken & written English.
3. Good spoken & written Russian. - Location
- Anywhere